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What's Your Re-Verb?

Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.

~Albert Einstein~

Several years ago, some teammates and I generated a list of "re-verbs." I'll attach it at the end of today's post if you're interested in reigniting a spark.

As a strategic planner and organizational/personal development specialist, I often help people and organizations clarify their abstract hopes, dreams and visions and translate them into concrete actions.

Finding the right verb is such a simple way to start. It says everything about what we plan to do.

For example, last week I was writing my list of priorities and my primary actions that week could be translated into one word: re-energize.

My priority list was very simple:

✨Re-energize work

✨Re-energize family and friends

✨Re-energize home

After I wrote my list of sub-tasks (interview, generate, propose, submit, meet with, call, schedule, write, etc.), I realized I forgot to include one important piece:

Re-energize self

As we step back in to life in an unfolding new normal, what are the things you are focused upon?

Is there one word that summarizes what you plan to do right now? Maybe it's a re-verb:

  • Reactivate

  • Reaffirm

  • Rearticulate

  • Reassess

  • Reconnect

  • Rediscover

  • Reeducate

  • Reenvision

  • Refocus

  • Reimagine

  • Reprioritize

And my personal favorite:

  • Refresh

Maybe all the things you are doing now can be summarized in one word - maybe it will take several verbs to give shape to the priorities in your life unfolding right now.

Either way is fine.

We are in the midst of new beginnings - they are unfolding all around us. (By the way, normal is always redefining itself - so take heart.)

Stay strong - and find your re-verb. It might bring focus to the complexity.

Sometimes life can feel complex - when it does, try to keep it simple. One action - one phone call - one text - one moment at a time.

Make everything as simple as possible - but not simpler (no joke - thanks, Einstein).

Let me know if I can help - with personal or team coaching - as we seek to reexamine, recalibrate and/or redefine the present and future. And as promised - here's a link to Refreshment Zone's signature verb list - I'd love to help as you reframe the future.

Let's renew ourselves - together.

Supporting your success,


© Kathy Sturgis, Ph.D. Kathy is founder of Refreshment Zone and is an organizational and personal development specialist with a doctorate in communication. Contact for more information on programs and/or services.


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...creating momentum for positive change

© 2024 Kathy Sturgis, PhD
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