Mothers, White Light and Roses: An Activity

When my mother passed away, I missed the special blessing that she put on my every night before she went to sleep.
It felt magical and surrounded me in the white light of protection. I know that she blesses me still.
I believe that mothers have a special "magic" that is powered by intention.
What is a "mother?" Each of us is a mother to others. A mother is not defined by whether she has given birth to another but by how she cares for them now. For me, a mother is a very positive thing ~ she loves unconditionally and, on occasion, tells the "truth" as she sees it - even if it hurts a little bit. I have had many mothers. Some of my mothers may be reading this now - if you are - thank you for mothering me in so many intentional and positive ways.
What about the blessing? Here's an activity to try.
There are many ways to send protection and/or positive intention to others.
Renowned author Carolyn Myss suggests a "rose activity" that you can engage in right before you go to sleep each night. It goes like this....Imagine each person that you encountered that day (at the grocery store, at work, at home, in the neighborhood). Review your day in your mind as you prepare to go to sleep. See each person for just a moment and hand him or her a rose. Then move on to the next person until you have given a rose to each person you encountered during the day. It is a wonderful way to drift off to sleep.
You can add a layer to this activity if you would like to heal a relationship or place a special blessing on someone you love. As you think of that person, express your intention for protection, healing or whatever positive intention you would like to send. Then hand them a rose or surround them with the beautiful white light of protection. In less than 10 seconds you can send a very positive intention or blessing to each person. It is a private blessing and they may never know the power of your quiet and positive intention. Have confidence that the power of your positive intention blesses them.
It takes one moment to send a blessing and it will put a smile on your face and a skip in your heart. It may also promise a gentler sleep.
Tend to those with whom you spend time. Heal and bless everyone you meet with goodness.
And if you are my child, know that I am sending you special blessings this evening ~ and each night whether in this dimension or in another. We are bound. I am honored.
© Kathy Sturgis, Ph.D. Kathy is founder of Refreshment Zone and is an organizational and personal development specialist with a doctorate in communication. Contact for more information on motivational programs.