Slow Down to Speed Up

Somewhere along the line, we begin to do things fast.
We think fast. We move fast. We grow impatient with slow drivers, slow walkers, and slow deciders.
And we grow impatient with ourselves when we aren’t achieving enough or doing enough.
Our lists get longer and our energies and patience wane.
It seems that I am often caught behind a slow mover.
Yesterday, I was quickly moving through my day when I was slowed up by a child who was clearly caught up in the moment of walking on a sidewalk. The child touched the berries on the tree and skipped along for no apparent reason.
After my moment of impatience, I shook my head and got it together. In spite of myself, I knew that the little girl had her priorities straight. There was an uncomplicated joy about her movements and I was momentarily ashamed of myself for rushing through my errands without stopping to breath. I took a deep breath and walked a little more slowly to the car.
Do you ever get the sensation that things are moving too fast? Do you feel a tension in your shoulders or head that begs you to take a moment for yourself?
Sometimes we have to slow down in order to speed up. Is there a place where you might add some gentleness and personal refreshment to your schedule?
Here are some questions to inspire your thinking:
Where can you add a component to your “to do” list that represents your personal needs/wants? (Begin this week.)
Where are you hard on yourself? (Listen more closely to the inner dialogue that offers encouraging words and positive wisdom. It is so easy to hear the other, louder, harsher voice ~ listen for the wise and gentle voice this year. Write down the wisdom that you hear.)
Where can you ease up a bit? (Is your schedule driving you or are you driving your schedule? Double check. Build in some time to replenish yourself each day.)
Do you have a place to track positive steps? (Write down 3-5 positive steps or actions that you have taken each day.)
Have you built in rewards? (What is it that you need to do? What is it that you want to do? Identify them both and build them both into your schedule.)
Commit to being your own positive motivator. Identify old habits that tear you down and choose to build yourself up instead. If there are recurring themes in your inner dialogue that do not support your success, identify and eliminate them. Choose positivity and gentleness in this New Year.
Commit to restoring your energies. Refresh yourself. A revitalized approach will allow clear thinking and fuel faster, more efficient movement. Restoring yourself is the place to start if you find yourself in need of supporting/motivating others.
Thanks for all you do ~ for yourself and for others.
© Kathy Sturgis, Ph.D. Kathy is founder of Refreshment Zone and is an organizational and personal development specialist with a doctorate in communication. Contact for more information on motivational programs.