We inspire collective action and optimism.
We customize programs and retreats for teams in both corporations and nonprofit organizations. Our clients' needs and goals set the direction.
Our hallmarks are building creative / productive agendas and facilitating conversations that yield results. We create and deliver an energized session that leaves your group with actionable next steps, timeframes and accountabilities. Programs range in length from 1-2 days and typically incorporate a pre-work survey to enhance meeting efficiency.
We stay on the leading edge of theory and practice and are well-qualified to address special topics in our programs (e.g., organizational culture and change, leadership, communication, etc.). Our nonprofit clients appreciate our unique expertise in the area of volunteer recruitment and utilization - each of our team members has extensive leadership experience in this particular area.
Our clients note that their experience with us is "refreshing."
We build bridges.
We impact culture.
Team Building
We facilitate new beginnings.
Strategic Planning
We tap collective genius.
Our communication programs are designed to increase self/other awareness and empower teams to connect while identifying and removing obstacles to productivity (i.e., getting unstuck). These programs incorporate our customized Team Pulse Check™ survey to identify strengths, opportunities and visions for the future. We also bring a unique spin to strengths discussions utilizing wide range of instruments (e.g., StrengthsFinder, FIRO-B, Keirsey's Temperament Sorter, Myers-Briggs, DiSC, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [TKI], etc.). We create a safe and enjoyable place for conversations that matter.
Our leadership development programs explore leadership at all levels. We take leadership communication from theory to practice incorporating Posner & Powell's Leadership Practices Inventory [LPI]) and/or other instrumentation to heighten awareness. Our programs offer unique models that explore the behaviors and language of leadership that impact departmental culture, productivity, satisfaction, engagement and turnover. We bring a depth of experience to these customized conversations.
Team Building
Some of the best team building happens when teams think together. Our team retreats incorporate creative and fun team building elements along with problem-solving activities. We work with your team to identify strengths, build areas of consensus, articulate collective vision and strengthen relationships. We incorporate our Team Pulse Check™ survey and incorporate tools like StrengthsFinder to advance the conversation. Expected outcomes include the establishment of priorities, goals and actionable items. Your outcomes are important to me.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is a momentum creating opportunity that strengthens your team and promotes organizational growth. Our programs identify and build consensus while tapping collective genius. Typical agendas incorporate a pre-work survey and include discussion of mission/vision, review of SWOT data (i.e., strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), establishment of strategic priorities and the creation of strategic and operational goals. Our format increases participation and yields robust strategic plans. We are experts at facilitating discussions of core identity and priority-setting.
Customized survey creation and data analysis are hallmark services for us. Contact us about initiating a climate survey, stakeholder survey or a Team Pulse Check™ for your team.