
The Meaning of Things
Things do matter. For years, I tried to convince myself that things don’t matter. I was wrong. This morning, I opened a Christmas gift...

Paris: Finding Comfort in the "City of Lights"
“You can’t be frightened if you are so surprised.” ~Ruth Cope, survivor of the attacks on Pearl Harbor~ Paris is known as the “City of...

Problem Solvers: Give It a Rest to Listen
"I understand. You are doing just fine." Sometimes it feels good to hear reassurance. Are you a problem solver? Do you ever find yourself...

The Wisdom of Loss
We all lose something some time. We lose people we love. We lose competitions. We lose companions. We lose jobs. If you are like me,...

The Hidden Gift in Losing Your Job
Losing your job hurts. It can fill you with self doubt, disillusionment, sadness and anger. It can also give you determination,...

Random Acts of Kindness
Thank you for random acts of kindness ~ they are some of the most important work we do in this world. I was feeling low energy and...

Mothers, White Light and Roses: An Activity
When my mother passed away, I missed the special blessing that she put on my every night before she went to sleep. It felt magical and...

Unbroken - The Story Makes You Stronger
When do we become so strong? For me, it happened little by little - against my will - and yet with my permission. Eventually, we are all...

Life is a Hike: Create Your "Vista Opportunity"
Have you ever taken a hike that promised something special at the end? If you have hiked in the Blue Ridge Mountains, it might have been...

5 Lessons on Communication, Awkward Conversations and Patience
Have you ever encountered someone who was an awkward conversationalist? I recently had an uncomfortable exchange with a fisherman at our...